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Meet some of our team members this International Women’s Day

Meet some of our team members this International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day takes place on Friday 8 March. It celebrates the social, economic, political, and cultural achievements of women around the world.

At Bakkafrost Scotland, we have talented women in a variety of positions. To mark this important day, we asked a few of our female team members what advice they would give to women and girls entering the aquaculture industry.

Here is what they had to say -

Kimberley McKinnell, Head of Health: “You have to put yourself out there, be willing to work hard, and sometimes be willing to try things outside your comfort zone. Don’t undersell yourself, and even if you think you might not have the right experience, don’t be shy about applying for roles. I do some recruitment in my role, and sometimes you need the right person for the job and the team—the experience and skills can be trained or gained in the post.

“Talk to other people in the industry to get a feel for what to expect, and if possible, try to get some time shadowing someone in a role you might be interested in – it demonstrates you are keen and gives you a feel for what is expected in the job.”

Matilda Lomas, Veterinary Practice and Cleanerfish Manager: “Go for it! It’s a small sector, but we make a huge contribution to Scottish communities and economies. Everyone is so busy these days, and a good work-life balance is important, so sometimes you do have to say no to taking on something new.

“However, saying yes can so often lead to something exciting and challenging, and I’m still in the aquaculture sector today because I put my hand up for new responsibilities.”

Charlotte Barr, Freshwater General: “My advice for anyone is “don’t be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone." It’s where you learn the most about yourself. For every person who doubts your commitment or questions your judgement, there will be many more who will encourage and support you along your journey and celebrate your successes with you.

“Even if an opportunity doesn’t pan out exactly how you thought it would, learning what you don’t like can help you narrow down what it is you really enjoy.”

Penny Margaret Hawdon, Site Development Manager: “There are so many different disciplines within the aquaculture industry; it’s useful to get some exposure to different areas, as this may open up opportunities you might otherwise not have been aware of.

“Don’t be afraid to grab opportunities!”

Helen Eager, Feed Technician

“I would advise them to go for it, as everyone is welcoming and supportive.”

Imogen Wilson, Feed Technician

“I’m just starting my career so I’m always looking for advice too!”